KRCP Work Day & Hawaiian Blessing February 28, 2018

The annual Hawaiian Blessing and invasive species work day is coming up. Please mark your calendars for this event and get ready to help us remove invasive weeds. Don’t forget to bring long pants and lots of water.

Akikiki photo credit Jack Jeffreys

Voices of Climate Change and Conservation: A Panel Discussion January 9th, 2018

The National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) and Kaua‘i Community College (KCC) partnership continues in January 2018 with first event in their collaborative Earth Matters Public Lecture Series.

On Tuesday, January 9 at 5:30 p.m. in the KCC Campus Center Cafeteria, join a panel of seven experts for Voices of Climate Change and Conservation: A Panel Discussion. Representing decades of professional experience and diverse backgrounds in science and environmental policy and planning, the panel will examine the connections between climate change and conservation in Hawai‘i.

Issues like coral bleaching, coastal erosion, sea level rise, and drought will be discussed as they relate to rare plant and bird conservation, invasive species, the protection of watersheds, forests, and marine ecosystems. The panel will also address threats to man-made and natural coastal environments and efforts to create a more sustainable future for Hawai‘i.

The panel includes:

Dr. Chuck Blay, Sedimentary Geologist

Dr. Lisa “Cali” Crampton, Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project, Project Leader

Katie Nalasere, Hawai‘i Department of Aquatic Resources

Ruby Pap, Coastal Land Use Extension Agent, University of Hawai‘i, Sea Grant College Program

Dr. Maggie Sporck-Koehler, Statewide Research Botanist, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife

Ben Sullivan, Kaua‘i County Energy & Sustainability Coordinator

Jan TenBruggencate, Vice Chair, Board of Directors, Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative

The Earth Matters public lecture series is being offered at the KCC Campus Center Cafeteria (behind the Performing Arts Center), Kaua‘i Community College, 3-1901 Kaumuali‘i Hwy., Līhu‘e, Hawai‘i. For questions about accessibility or to request special accommodations, please contact: Margaret Clark at (808) 332-7324 Ext 225 at least ten days in advance.

Earth Matters is one of many collaborations between the National Tropical Botanical Garden and Kaua‘i Community College. Both NTBG and KCC share a common goal of quality education to truly change lives. NTBG is a not-for-profit institution, headquartered in Kalāheo. KCC, which is part of the University of Hawai‘i system, operates a large campus in Līhu‘e.

Voice of Climate Change

Christmas Bird Count-Photo by CR Kohley

Christmas Bird Count January 4th

Join us for the Christmas Bird count on January 4th, 2018. We meet at 9am at the Pihea trail parking lot! Please RSVP to

Join us for two upcoming events:

Volunteer Day on November 12th from 9am-2pm in Hanapepe!

We need your help: Our front lobby is in desperate need of a make-over! We recently were given part of the Forest Bird Exhibit of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu. We’d like to transform our lobby into a more inviting and informative space for our visitors and we need your help! Activities include moving furniture, painting and installing the artwork.

We will also have mistnets that are in need of repairs!
Join us for the whole time or just a little bit, we are grateful for any support you can give us.

Guided Hike in Koke’e on November 18th, 9am-1pm in Koke’e!

Where: Na Pali Kona Forest Reserve. Meet at Pu’u O Kila lookout (end of road parking lot).
Leader: Project Staff of the Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project
Donation: $10 per person (cash please) pass-through to KFBRP to support their important efforts.

Description: Hike and learn about KFBR project’s efforts to monitor Puaiohi, ‘Akikiki and ‘Akeke‘e (mist netting, banding, sample collection, resighting, rodent control, egg collection to found captive populations). We will observe misnetting and banding (subjct to staff availability and weather permitting).

Physical Demands: moderate difficulty, 4 mile hike round trip through bogs and native rain forest, no bathrooms, bring water/lunch, sun protection, good footwear, rain gear, etc. Not suitable for children under 8 unless carried, people not comfortable hiking on muddy, rough terrain with some hills.

RSVP: Please RSVP by November 10 to Hawai‘i Audubon Society at, subject line: Alaka‘i Tour

Charity Walk

Join us for the 49th Annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk on Saturday, May 13th 2017 in Lihue.

The Visitor Industry Charity Walk is an annual event sponsored by the Hawai’i Lodging & Tourism Association. Since 1980, they’ve been sponsoring the event to raise money for non-profit organizations throughout the Hawaiian Islands!

You have the option to become a walker for the KFBRP yourself or to support a walker by making a donation. Walkers are treated to food and drinks and children are welcome if accompanied by an adult! Find more information here:

Where? Lihue, Historic County Buildung
When? May 13th 2017 at 7am
How much is it?
It’s $35 per person to register to walk ($25 for under 18), cash or check (made out to “Charity Walk”). But there is no upper limit to how much you can raise! Please make sure to let them know that you are walking for us!
This includes breakfast and a t-shirt!

How do I sign up?
You can sign up Online now:

You can also send us a check made out to GIRC&D and send it to KFBRP, PO Box 27 Hanapepe HI 96716!
Email us at and if you have questions and to get the form for signing up!