There are many ways to get involved with KFBRP and to help promote knowledge, conservation, and appreciation of Kaua’i’s magnificent forest birds.
- Volunteer: We welcome short- and long-term volunteers throughout the year for a variety of projects
- Employment: We post seasonal and permanent positions and internships as they become available
- Donate: We accept donations via our non-profit sponsor, Garden Island Resource Conservation and Development. We also accept donations of equipment and supplies directly by clicking the link on the right hand side of this page.
- Tokens of Appreciation: Notecards, t-shirts, and mugs, all availble by donation!
- Events: Check out our events calendar to see what special events we and our partners have planned
- What you can do: Tips on how you can help conserve resources and protect endagered species on Kaua’i and beyond!
- Interns & Graduate Students: We welcome interns, volunteers, graduate students and other collaborators based on current projects, and projects that fit our mission.