EAST MAUI EA APPROVED | Update from March 24 BLNR Meeting

Mahalo nui to the numerous voices that shared their manaʻo with the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) last Friday, March 24th. Your dedication in championing this vital cause shows the power of collective action and the impact we can make when we work together towards a common goal.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the Board of Land and Natural Resources for their decision to approve the East Maui environmental assessment and authorize the Chair to issue a Finding of No Significant Impact.

The decision to approve the final environmental assessment demonstrates the Board’s dedication to ensuring that large-scale management actions are done responsibly and with consideration for the environmental impact. In addition, their willingness to engage with the public and listen to all perspectives reflects the Board’s commitment to transparency and accountability. The public outreach, scoping meetings, and comment periods allowed for broad community input and a more robust result.

This decision will benefit the manu nahele, particularly the manu of Maui, and the larger ecosystems as we work together to preserve the biocultural treasures of Hawaiʻi.
We will keep you in the loop about the Kaua’i Environmental Assessment coming up next.

I ola nā manu nahele – so that the forest birds thrive.

Here is the link to the meeting recording in case you missed it (agenda item begins at 18:06). Also, we were moved by and grateful for the large amount of supportive written testimony from many of you (link to submitted testimony).


We will be hosting and attending more community events across the islands in 2023 – so please be on the lookout and join us to continue these meaningful conversations!

Follow our socials for up to date info on where we will be in 2023.
Here are some of the events on Kaua’i we will be attending with presentations and informational booths:

Hawaiian Festival in Hanapēpē (stay tuned for details)
Earth Day at NTBG (Find all details here)
44th Annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk (Sign up as a walker, become a sponsor or make a donation here)
COME SAY ALOHA, we would love to connect with you!