February is Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Awareness Month (HISAM).
HISAM is an event designed to raise awareness of the impacts of invasive species while also recognizing the work being done to protect against them. HISAM is hosted by the Department of Agriculture (DOA) and the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), with both agencies serving as co-leads of the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council (HISC).
HISAM will continue to offering virtual talks, webinars and events all month, with most events being live-streamed or shared via social media. On February 1st, the month will kick-off with an opening ceremony hosted by Hālau ʻŌhiʻa on Facebook Live. Each week features talks starting in the upper reaches of the mountains in the “wao akua” and ending in the ocean at the “wao kahakai”. The HISC support program will also be announcing awards to recognize individuals, projects, or businesses whose efforts have helped reduce invasive species impacts in their communities. Videos announcing these awards will be featured on social media as well as special live streaming events.
“Invasive species are often insidious and may go undetected for substantial periods of time,” said Phyllis Shimabukuro-Geiser, chairperson of the Hawai`i Board of Agriculture. “Once established, invasive species are extremely difficult or even impossible to eradicate. To protect Hawai`i’s agriculture and unique environment, we urge everyone to become more aware and be on the lookout for invasive plants, pests and animals and to help stop the invasions.”
“This is an issue that highlights how people are part of the environment, not separate from it,” said Suzanne Case, DLNR chairperson. “One of the major impacts we see from invasive species is the reduced production of fresh water from native forests. That’s a problem that impacts every living thing in Hawaiʻi, whether it’s a native bird, a pet dog, our crops, ourselves, or our loved ones.”
Friday, February 4th from 1:00-1:30 pm – Birds, Not Mosquitoes: How mosquito surveys on Kaua’i will inform this strategy to save Hawai’i’s forest birds. Learn more about the multi-agency work to save Hawaii’s forest birds. Click here to sign up for / join this webinar
A full schedule of events with links to additional webinars is also available online at: