Entries by Julia Diegmann

Presentation at the Hanapēpē Library: Resisting Extinction: Ensuring the survival of Kaua‘i’s native forest birds.”

Kaua’i’s forest birds are disappearing right in front of our eyes. Five of 13 species have vanished in the last 40 years, and three others, the puaiohi, ‘akikiki, and ‘akeke’e, are critically endangered. Species disappeared with no records of song, behavior or appearance, making this loss even more devastating not only to scientists, conservationists and […]

KFBRP Annual Field Season Blessing

ANNUAL HAWAIIAN BLESSING MARKS BEGINNING OF CRITICAL KAUA‘I FOREST BIRD FIELD SEASON (Hanapēpē, Kaua‘i) – The Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project (KFBRP) is holding its annual Hawaiian blessing for the 2023 field season, which for at least two species of Hawaiian honeycreepers is a critical year. Of the eight remaining forest bird species on Kaua‘i, […]

New Hope to Solve an Old Threat for Hawaiian Birds

by Chris Farmer, PhD, Hawai‘i Program Director, American Bird Conservancy, and Lisa “Cali” Crampton, PhD, Project Leader, Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project The Hawaiian Islands are full of astounding beauty and an incredible diversity of plants, insects, and birds. Most people picture the islands—one of the most isolated archipelagoes in the world—as a tropical paradise. […]

Join us for our 2020 Annual Blessing and Conservation Workday!

*****************IMPORTANT********************To be able to ride down to the Pohaku Site in our state vehicles you MUST fill out this form and submit to us by 3/4/2020! https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/volunteer/files/2013/06/DLNR-Volunteer-Service-Form.pdfIt is also ok to drive in your private vehicle to the pohaku hula site. Join us in Kōke`e for a spring season blessing and a conservation workday. Ka […]

Cheers and Tears at the “Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds”!

KCC Performing Arts Center filled to capacity during Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds A performance of the Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds at the Kaua‘i Community College (KCC) brought many audience members to tears on Sunday. The standing-room-only concert showcased original music written to celebrate the native forest birds of the Hawaiian Islands. In one […]

The ‘Ōhiʻa Challenge

A keystone species in Hawaii is under threat from a killer fungus. We need your help to save the ʻōhiʻa tree before the ecosystem impacts are irreversible. @ConservationXLabs @USInterior @nationalparkservice #OhiaChallenge https://www.savetheohia.org/