Closing date for the Avian Conservation Research Assistant position is approaching rapidly. This is a unique opportunity to gain conservation experience working with rare and endangered species. Please see the job description below for more information and instructions on how to apply. To learn more about employment and internships with KFBRP, please visit our employment page.

Job Type: CLDP Americorps Year-Round Program

Opportunity location: Alakai Wilderness and Hanapepe, Kauai, Hawaii

Closing date: June 30, 2019

AMERICORPS YEAR-ROUND AVIAN CONSERVATION FIELD ASSISTANT needed for work with the Kauai Forest Bird Recovery Project. Position will last from early October, 2019 until August, 2020. Our project focuses on a variety of work with three endemic Hawaiian songbirds, the Akikiki, Akeke’e and Puaiohi that all inhabit the extremely wet, beautiful and rugged montane rainforest at located at ~4500ft on the island of Kauai. This is a rare opportunity to work on endangered tropical species in the U.S while gaining valuable research skills. The work is physically challenging, requiring a 4 to 8 mile hike to the main field camps by way of steep slopes, tangled forest and stream crossings. Daily field conditions include hiking through dense forest in and along streams, often in rainy and chilly weather. Daily field activities include conducting surveys for endangered Hawaiian birds, mosquito sampling, vegetation and habitat sampling, maintaining a rat control grid with motion detection cameras in sensitive bird habitat, nest searching and monitoring, and mist-netting and banding birds. Applicants must be able to detect and identify birds by sight and sound, be physically fit, and able to navigate rugged and complex terrain using GPS, compass, and maps. Experience with songbird color band re-sighting, behavioral observation, territory mapping, nest searching, point counts, camera trapping, telemetry towers and mist-netting is strongly desired. Abundant enthusiasm for conserving Hawaii’s native species (including the ability to kill a few invasive species along the way) is essential, as are self-motivation, the ability to work well in a small team, a positive attitude, and willingness to live in a remote field camps for more than a week at a time. Office duties will include environmental education and outreach, data entry and organization, supervised and independent research projects, maintenance of field equipment and other work around the office. Familiarity with GIS, Microsoft Access, Adobe Suite Software, and computer IT is also strongly desired.

Compensation is a $1600 monthly living allowance (before taxes). Americorps also provides a $6095 Educational Award upon completion of the term, and pays all interest earned on certain educational loans during the year of service. Housing when not in the field IS NOT provided through the program. Applicants not from the area should note that the housing prices on Kauai are some of the highest in the country. The successful applicant must provide own travel to Lihue, Kauai and have a valid US drivers license.

Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2019, and will be reviewed as they are received. The Project will review applicants and make recommendations to Americorps. Required materials include a current resume, cover letter, and contact information for 3 references, emailed to You MUST ALSO apply directly to the CLDP Year-round Americorps Program at as soon as possible.

Intern Bryn Webber